Wednesday, May 9, 2012

no excuses

This past weekend was not good at all. I worked late and therefore was too tired to get up for my early planned workout. Aside from not working out, the weekend just sucked. Today I woke up feeling sick and actually couldn't keep my breakfast down... I felt better as the day went on and decided to go on my bike ride. I'm surprised I actually went. Usually when I have a bad few days like I did this past weekend, I will just let any excuse stop me from going out to workout. I knew I wouldn't regret doing it. I rode 20 miles. Certain points on the ride were sooo slow...There was a strong head wind on the bike path and I still felt kind of queazy so where I would normally push myself to go fast through the wind, I didn't care. I was at the end of the group and the leader behind me asked if I was doing ok. So yeah this ride was a little half-assed and slow but at least I got out and did it!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Run check

Ran 3 miles again today. This time I only walked for 2 sections of it. My pace is easy and relaxed. Building my base back up!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Swim yes

Core exercises and a 3500 yard swim this morning. I feel great! :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Today I went on a 3 mile walk/run. Walking because I've been so bad lately at running and the last times I ran were my color run and mud run. Both of which I did not train for and when I don't train and then do a race, I get lateral pain on my knee that can last a couple days. So I'm trying to ease back into my running by taking it slow and walking a bit off and on.

Training to where I want to be

Alright I think I am finally ready to start serious triathlon training. During the fall all I was doing was swim and since finishing that in February, I've been meaning to be hardcore but have had lots of setbacks and a plethora of excuses. When I'm in shape and fast, I really feel good! That's the main reason I love triathlon and other endurance sports, because it challenges me and I feel great. My training plan includes doing each discipline twice a week, core exercises every other day, and having one rest day. I'm vowing to make the month of May a good month. Junk food only on the weekends and I no skipping planned workouts. So far so good. I rode 20 miles today. Just train :)