Saturday, April 28, 2012


Swam 4500 today. Yesterday I ran (not much but some) and did core strengthening (ouww I can feel it today!) and earlier this week I rode my bike for 15 miles. I'm doing good! I haven't been so proud of my training initiative for quite some time. I think things are starting to come together for my focus. I've been watching a lot of videos on Kona. It is truly inspiring and is my goal to one day get there. I want to do a race soon but I don't know which one to do. Tomorrow's plan is a long bike ride and core exercises.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Color Run

Today I ran the most fun race I have ever done! It was called the color run. It is a 5k and at every kilometer there is a color section that you go through. You wear white and by the end you are doused in rainbow color! The color is actually this powder that the volunteers shower you with. I did this race with my friends Jane, Richard, Barbie, and a couple of Jane's friends. It was so much fun. The race was purely a good-time race. There was no official time keeping or chips. I have no idea how long it took me but I was going slow in all the color sections. I wanted to get completely colored lol. I highly suggest this race. Monica, that's too bad about Cleveland, hopefully you can do the next one! Here's a picture from after the race! My friends and I went out to eat at Denny's after. Everyone stared at us when we came in haha.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Long Beach Cyclists

This week I met up with a group of cyclists from Long Beach. They train for the Aids life ride from San Francisco to LA every year in June. While I do not plan to do that ride this year I will continue to ride with them. They have group rides once a week. I need stability in my training regime. They were all very nice too. I'm so happy I found this group. I'm used to riding on bike paths and continuously. This group rides a lot of city streets, so they are very safety conscious. I almost fell off my bike once because I'm not used to stopping so much and putting my foot onto the ground at a stop. Lol I looked like a novice. But I kinda am still so I guess it's ok. I told them I do triathlons and they thought that was really hard so I must be fast. HA! I suck on the bike, that's why I want to ride with them, so that I'll get better. Anyway the route was great! We were still riding when it was dark and we ended with some tough hills. The view from the top of the hill at night was spectacular. You could see all the city lights from miles around. I want to go back there and take pictures.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Alright now

Today was a really great day. I rode my bike with some good friends. Got up at 4:05 and made it to Long Beach for a 5:00am ride. I just love getting up super early and working out! It makes me feel so accomplished. OK seriously getting back into training and eating healthy mode. I've been sooo lazy and eating junk food every day practically. I have to stop. Today's bike ride is a good starting point to getting back on track. Oh yeah last week I did the Irvine Lake mud run. It was so fun!!! They had a water slide into a pool of mud! haha I'd been wanting to do a mud run since I first heard about them in 2009. I was going to do it with my friend Jane but unfortunately she had to back out. We were able to transfer her registration to another running friend of mine so it worked out. Looking forward to doing another. My plan is to do an Easter ride tomorrow. Yeah!